Saturday, June 28, 2014

Remember our mother and father

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are usually grand annual celebration in May and June.  Many events and occasions are held to honour the most senior members of a family, i.e. the mother and father by other family members, in particular children.

Special lunches, dinners, outings, gifts, package tours and cutting of cakes are some events organized by children sorely for their mothers and fathers. All such events are truly heartening and pleasing for mothers and fathers. Tears sometimes do trickle during these occasions. It could be an emotional occasion, for some. After all, this relationship and bond between mothers, fathers and children is about passionate feelings between them.

As stated these are some occasions where mothers and fathers are appreciated, valued, thanked and honoured. Even my eldest daughter came all the way down to celebrate Fathers’ Day with me and my wife. We really had good time.

But, all the pomp and fancy that encompassed Mothers and Fathers’ Day seems to have subsided with the passing of time. Everyone is back to their daily chores.  The mother and father are again left to themselves as many children are far away in cities and towns earning their living.

It seems Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day looks like just an annual event to appreciate the parents. The point that needs to be stressed is that every day should be a day remembered for the sacrifices of a mother and father.  It should not be just focused on a special day only. The fathers and mothers endured difficulties and hardships for their children during their entire life.  

Hence, the sons and daughters are duty bound to serve their mothers and fathers.  The sons and daughters should also show forth utmost obedience towards the mother and father and seek diligently to ensure the comfort and welfare of their loving mother and father, and always prioritize fathers and mothers good pleasure. 

Show kindness and consideration to parents so that they are pleased and contented. All this should do frequently as there are many avenues to do it.

There are times when the children reach maturity, the father and mother pass on to the next world. So, the fathers and mothers rarely see the reward of the care and trouble they had undergone for the children.

Of course, there are children who remorse greatly when the fathers and mothers are no more in their midst as the opportunity to serve them is not available. I too missed my mother as she passed away when I was young. I always feel the sense of guilt for not being able to repay all that she did to me while she was alive.

Therefore, we all should know that we need to honour our parents and pay homage to them when they are still around. When we do this, the blessings will descent upon us. This is assured. But, do all our children realize and acknowledge it?

In this life travel, there at times children would have committed that which would sadden the hearts and mothers. Seek pardon and forgiveness from fathers and mothers. The parents’ good pleasure ensures children happiness and advancement in their life.

Let family ties and bond go deeper with more frequent interaction between the children and parents, not only on Fathers and Mothers’ Day though such celebration is an excellent way to further strengthen the bond and ties.

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