On 15
December 2012, tragedy struck the Sandy Hook Elementary
School in Newtown, Connecticut.
26 people died in the shooting spree orchestrated by a young man, Adam
Lanza. No motive for the shooting has
been identified yet.
A memorial service
was initiated by the Inter-Faith of the Newtown community. It was really moving
and touching to watch the memorial service. This emotional event for all - parents,
relatives and friends of the perished people was telecasted live on CNN and
other channels to remember the departed souls.
religious bodies of the town - the Christians, Muslims, Jews and Bahá'is
gathered in unity and concord to pray for the departed souls. Such is the forte
among human beings. When tragedy strikes, people despite of different religious
beliefs, come together as members of one family to express their support and oneness.
questions that lingers in our mind: What’s wrong with people today, like Adam
Lanza, a 20 year old lad? Mentally ill? Hatred against society? Lost hope in
Whatever it
is, such tragic events should not recur in the future. Preventive measures
should be taken as said tearfully by President Barrack Obama himself. Let us
remember the lost souls in our prayers.