I was relieved and happy with the recent statement by our Deputy Prime Minster and Education Minister, Tan
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin at a ceremony to celebrate the success of the Malaysian contingent's
performance at the Kuala Lumpur World Robotic Olympiad (KL WRO) 2012 recently. He said children's potential should be nurtured.
I have always believed that every child has a potential hidden within him or her. A child is potentially the light of the world. Every effort should be taken to make the light shine out. Children need to be regarded as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Just look how the gems are excavated from the soil and polished to become a beautiful and lustrous ornament for man.
I have always believed that every child has a potential hidden within him or her. A child is potentially the light of the world. Every effort should be taken to make the light shine out. Children need to be regarded as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Just look how the gems are excavated from the soil and polished to become a beautiful and lustrous ornament for man.
Likewise, we need to identify the potential of a
child, nurture its potential so that the child can reveal its hidden talent and
reach his or her apex. It is the paramount
duty of parents and teachers to identify and nurture the talents and potential
of their children.
As aptly said by our DPM, it would be a waste if
the student’s interest is not cultivated and nurtured. A child can develop
interest in any field, be it sports, computer, economics, journalism, language
or even dancing. Whatever field is the choice of children; it should be encouraged
and fostered so that the child achieves his or her choice.
Nowadays, we see a worrying trend among parents
demanding their children to study a field of their choice, like medicine, law
and the like. Some parents even indoctrinate the child from childhood to become
a doctor, even though the child may not have the correct aptitude for medicine.
In some families, becoming a doctor is a prestigious achievement. I do not deny
the fact the career of a doctor is a truly rewarding one. But, is the child interested
in medicine and has the passion to be a doctor? This is the crucial issue the
parents need to ponder before encouraging the child to take up any career.
Let’s us bring the best of every child and make him
or her happy for choosing the career. Do not deny them their right to make a
choice. We should not force upon any career that is a dream of ours. After all
what is happiness in life? Be happy with whatever you do and thus contribute our share for
the betterment of our fellow being.