The recent controversial statement by the Obedient Wives Club has sparked off a lot of disagreements among Malaysians. I believe the issue debated is about marriage, in particular the relationship between husband and wife. The other underlying issue is how to persevere a marriage.
I believe in this debate, we need to understand the fundamentals of a marriage. What is basically a marriage? Marriage is a union between two souls that has been instituted by our society to enable the married parties to lead a happy and blissful life.
Marriage should be seen a commitment and mutual attachment of mind and heart of two parties to each other. It should be a binding agreement to ensure that the tie endures forever. Marriage is simply not only a contract between two parties, but also should be regarded as a divine institution.
Once couples are united in wedlock, they must show forth the utmost faithfulness one to another. Loyalty and fidelity are elements that ensure the marriage endures. Of course, this is the challenge of today’s couples. They need to continually nourish their tree of union with love and affection at all times.
What are then the ingredients of marriage? What makes a marriage work? Are there any specific formulas that exist to preserve the sanctity of marriage?
To sustain a marriage, first love and agreement must manifest between couples. If enmity and hatred exist within them, then destruction and dispersion is inevitable.
The couples should be thoroughly acquainted with the characters of each other so that they can understand each other better. They should become like loving comrades and companions for time and eternity.
Although marital union do give importance to the physical aspect of marriage, but the spiritual purpose and function of marriage should be also be given prominence. True marriage should be a unification of two people physically and spiritually. If only couples are physically inclined, then the marriage probably cannot endure long enough.
In short, where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time. If this exists among couples, sure that union will sustain.