Saturday, March 12, 2011


Father’s do have a role in parenting

It is true that today many of the parenting tasks are shouldered by mothers, while the fathers play a minimal role in parenting, probably due to work and career commitments.
By the way, the word parents mean a father and mother. Therefore, the responsibility of raising children is the father’s and mother’s duty. Basically, many fathers feel that their responsibility is to earn enough and provide financial needs of the family, including children. I believe this is a wrong perception. 

In many homes, fathers are only seen as a disciplinarian. When it needs to reprimand or discipline the child, then the father comes in. We should remember that a father and a mother are equal partners in parenting. I am sure fathers can play more roles.

In parenting, we notice that many parents have compartmentalized their duties. For example, feeding and washing the child is the mother’s department, while jobs like disciplining a child is the job of a father. In parenting, tasks should not be compartmentalized. Both the parents need to execute any tasks, irrespective of the gender.  

A father does play a crucial role in the wholesome development of a child. Many studies show that when the father plays his role significantly, the child will feel more secure and become more disciplined.  

The father as the head of a family can be a good role model to his children. A father can assist the children’s schoolwork and lend a hand in their homework. They can be also a play-mate for the children, especially when they are young. Children need the father’s shoulders for support, consolation, and to boost their morale at times of trials and difficulties of a child.  
It is said that true parenthood consists of watching over, protecting and training a child. These three tasks can be equally played effectively by the father besides the mother.  

The father does not only provide emotional support to the kids but also to the wife. He should always be behind the wife giving her the necessary moral support and encouragement in raising children. When a father becomes more involved in caring for the child, he definitely contributes to the child’s developing capabilities. 

Parenting is a life-long task and God-given responsibility that rests upon the shoulders of both the father and mother.

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