Monday, July 23, 2012

Moral values and virtues essential

In the latest Reader’s Digest appraisal, Malaysians have been branded as a rude nation. It is really remorse to know such a grading by a leading magazine. Malaysians were always known for their excellent behaviours. But, now things have changed drastically. Not much consideration is given to good values and virtues by people nowadays.

We see in our midst, people - young and old, talking rudely to elders, not greeting when meeting others, interrupting conversations, laughing without moderation, not saying sorry and the like. Aren’t these values taught at home and at school? Or perhaps such training is lacking in schools and homes? 

People are now slowly losing their values and virtues, like courtesy, gratitude, consideration, moderation, politeness and so forth. These noble virtues need to be implanted in the minds of people, especially the young ones.  

What is the flaw in society which causes such a situation in Malaysia? Basically, our education system and home education is the cause of the deterioration of values among Malaysians. Perhaps parents are not emphasising the importance of inculcating the noble values at home. I believe proper education of children is vital importance to the progress of mankind, and the heart and essential of all education is spiritual and moral training.  
Parents and teachers have a crucial role in guiding children in acquiring these moral values and virtues. In moral training, mothers do play a crucial role. Mothers are the first educators of children, who establish virtues in the child’s inner nature. They encourage the child to acquire perfections and goodly manners, warn children against unbecoming qualities, and encourage them to show forth values like courtesy, compassion, kindness and trustworthiness.

As a developing nation, we cannot afford Malaysia to be branded as nation devoid of noble values and virtues. Such appraisals by magazines like Reader’s Digest surely and definitely affect tourism and name of the nation. So, please Malaysian please be more courteous, polite, helpful, hospitable, accommodating, and caring to all.

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